Bill Pay Service
Simply Balanced Solutions takes care of paying your bills so that you don’t have to. You simply provide a list of the bills to be paid, we arrange for payment to be made on time. This way all household services continue without exception and your credit remains in good standing even when you are not around.
Paper check writers
Those who want their bills paid by check; we can schedule a time to come them review the statements and assist with writing out the checks to be sent.
Online banking customers
Those who prefer online banking we can also set up online banking payments to pay for bills.
NOTE: All your institutional passwords remain securely with you and we take care of the rest.
Make it easier - Streamline the bill pay process
We can work with you to set up automatic payments and then monitor your accounts to ensure that they are handled and accounted for properly.Those who want their bills setup to be paid automatically, we can schedule a time to come out and walk them through this process. Then on a monthly basis review the statements to compare the actual statements to what was paid. Any additional bills can be examined and paid at the time of the appointment.